Discrete Drums Pro Series1 CD2 24bit WAV 英文光碟正式版(高音質音樂資料庫)
New Digital World Studio
Discrete Drums Pro Series1 CD2 24bit WAV 英文光碟正式版
!!!相關網址: http://www.soundsonline.com/sophtml/details.phtml?sku=DD001
Discrete Drums Professional 8 track 12 CD Box Set will blow your mind.
Imagine 31 mixable tracks (plus Crash n Burn endings on 9 CD ROMS). You
get 8 individual tracks- kicks, snare, stereo toms, stereo overheads and
stereo room. This set includes 2 audio cds for auditioning or sampling
(including individual drum hits) and 1 CD ROM with AIFF samples of all
drums and cymbal hits (ambient and dry- 16 and 24 bit). All this in a cool
wooden storage box.
Discrete Drums was recorded directly into Pro Tools via a Neve 8232.
Various industry standard microphones were used- for Kicks- AKG D-112,
Snare- a trusty Shure SM-57, Toms- Sennheiser 421, Overhead- AudioTechnica
4051, Hat-B+K 4000, Room- Coles Ribbons, and another SM 57 feeding the
secret little blue box of death to trash the room.
No reverberation was used on these recordings whatsoever- just the natural
ambience of a great sounding room.